For The Love Of The Gamer

How to craft the perfect dating profile to attract gamer girls?
Meeting a girl with a shared love of gaming is the ultimate win. So how do you attract gamer girls? Many (and by many we mean hundreds!) gamers inundate
the few girl gamers in an MMO with gifts and messages making it difficult to make a connection (also beware the catfish!).
Using a specific gamers dating site instead ensures both players are actively seeking love, making a possible match more successful. You'll still need to stand
out from other gamer daters online and here's how.
Select a friendly honest profile picture. By honest we mean you - not an avatar, and by friendly we mean smiling. Seems kind of obvious right? But the moody 'look into my eyes' pic still seems to be doing the rounds in gamers dating profiles. It's not cool, it's creepy. You will seem far more approachable if you are smiling.
After your photo, your username is the next thing your gamer dates will see. Keep it anonymous (if your name is Steven Trinder don't pick SteveTrinder1) keep personal details hidden until you know someone better. Choose a name that represents you and avoid negativity (WOWsux).
Be Authentic
Honesty is the best policy when it comes to dating and relationships. So start as you mean to go on with an authentic profile. Don't think about what someone might want to read or what you should be into. The profile has to match the person. If you like playing Raid: Shadow Legends and have an obsession with Haribo sour mix, say so!
Take Your Time
Don't rush your profile just so you can start chatting. People won't be interested in finding out more about you if you've only provided the basics. They may assume it's a fake profile or that you have something to hide. If you don't take the profile seriously, then it may suggest you don't take gamer dating too seriously either.
Keep It Brief
Don't write long block paragraphs about yourself. Other gamers daters won’t take the time to read it all the way through (partly because reading large chunky text on mobiles is really hard!) Less is more, give them a sense of who you are but leave them with questions to find out more.
Be Positive
Fellow gamers won't want to hear about how difficult finding love has been or how you were bullied at school. No one wants to read a sob story. Think about your good points, (ask family & friends) include what you would bring to the relationship and how you can make someone happy.
Meaningful Messaging
"Hi, how r u?" and "wanna chat?" are hardly inspiring conversation starters. They'll be unlikely to generate any response. Remember you're trying to stand out from a crowd
where girl gamers are usually in the minority. Be creative, be funny, show you've read their profile first. "A fan of Overwatch I see. Moira or Baptiste on your support team?"
Being a solo player in the game of love can be frustrating. As with any complicated mission, you'll need confidence, determination, and ultimately patience to succeed.
You'll be unlikely to prevail on the first or second attempt. But when you do triumph in love, it'll be the biggest gaming win of your life.